Welcome to                      Sanshor Collies                               
Here is some of our happy collie families :)
Update on Sanshor Dancing in the Sky 
we have recieved an update on AJ he is still currently living in his home with Kevin & Gay in Manasquan NJ
Update on Patches
patches is doing great and currently still resides in Wall Twp. NJ
Update on Speckles/ which is 
now Stella 
Stella currently resides now with Mona in West Virgina.
Update on Patches & Cassie
Patches is currently in Wall TWP. NJ, and Cassie currently still  resides with Mike & Tracy in New Jersey. 
This photo is with them together.

Update on Star:
Star is doing great with Diane in California. Diane says she loves Star very much and just adores everything about her.