Welcome to Sanshor Collies
These are our past litters.
Sanshor Wind Chimes has gone to live with Barbara in Forked River NJ
Deep River Sanshor Show Girl
Ch. Winover Shadow's in the Sky
Speckles found a good home with Nancy in West Virginia
Bogie found a good home with Maggie in New York
Moreen found a good home with Mary in Maryland
Cassie found a good home with Mike & Tracey in New Jersey
Patches was sold to Joni of Wall Twp, NJ
CH. Concord the Franchise
Jezebel is currently in a home with Alanna in New Jersey
Candy is currently staying with us at Sanshor Collies
Star found a good home with Diane in California
Ch. Millnock Silly Wizard
Joy currently left us and went to a new home in LA
Aj has found a home in Manasquan, NJ with Kevin & Gay
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